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Meteotrad - Meteorology and climatology for translators

Software Engineer

Roberto Otero-Aragón obtained a Master's Degree in Software Engineering at the University of Córdoba (Spain), and is in charge of the implementation, design, updating, and maintenance of the MeteoTrad website, database, and infrastructure. His main research and project interests are the design of Android applications and video game development.

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Lexicographer and Original Idea

Alejandro García-Aragón obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Granada (Spain), and specialized in Modern Greek studies and Lexicography during his Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies in Translation at the same university, where he is currently a PhD student and member of Prof. Pamela Faber’s LexiCon research group. His major fields of research include: lexicography, terminology, specialized translation, knowledge representation, and Modern Greek studies. He has authored and co- authored several book chapters, international conference presentations, as well as papers in Terminology, JoSTrans, Trans-Kom, International Journal of Information Technologies and Knowledge, Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Hellenic Society for Terminology, and Poliphilos.

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Graphic Designer

Samuel Alegre-Castro is a Senior Technician in Advertising Design, currently working as an idea man, graphic designer, and illustrator at Binalogue (Madrid), a firm committed to the development of corporate branding, interactive and still images, as well as website components. His main project interests are those in which psychology, education, and creativity converge in the creation of something original and new.


Environmental Expert

Antonio Pérez-Muñoz is a Junior Professor and an Accredited Tenured Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Granada (Spain). He holds a B.S. and obtained a PhD in Chemical Sciences from the University of Córdoba (Spain) in 2006. He also obtained a Juan de la Cierva grant in 2008 at the University of Huelva (Spain), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and took part in several research projects on Chemistry, Ecology, Sustainability, and Biomass Energy. He has authored and co-authored numerous papers in international journals such as Bioresource Technology, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Holzforschung, Bioresources, Biomass and Bioenergy, inter alia.



José Manuel Romero-Sánchez is a Registered Nurse and PhD in Health Sciences by the University of Cádiz, and obtained his Master’s Degree of Science in Nursing at the University of Alicante, Spain. He is also an expert technician in Research Project Management on Health Sciences, and teaches Research Methodology and Health Sciences Statistics in several university master’s degrees and life-long learning programs from different health care institutions. Additionally, he is a fellow researcher in several national and regional projects funded by public institutions, and has published and peer-reviewed many scientific papers with a JCR impact. Research Group: PAIDI-CTS 391, University of Cádiz, Spain.

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Clara Inés López-Rodríguez is a tenured professor in the Department of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Granada (Spain), where she teaches scientific and technical translation, and multimedia translation (subtitling and localisation). She holds a PhD from the University of Granada and belongs to the research group LexiCon. Her current research focuses on scientific translation, terminology, and the application of corpus linguistics to terminology and translation. She has published papers in several journals indexed in the European Reference Index for the Humanities, such as Terminology, Meta, TTR, Journal of Specialised Translation, New Voices in Translation Studies, Lebende Sprachen, Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, Belgian Journal of Linguistics and Sendebar.

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Pablo Álvarez

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Greek Proofreader

Νικόλαος Δόκος / Nikólaos Dokos

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